Friday, June 20, 2014

BIG RIDE June 12 - June 20 Summary


The dream of crossing the United States by bicycle was one that started in June of 1994.  The vision of setting life goals was first documented based on Steven Covey’s book First Things First.  The Bucket List was attributed to Jack Nicholson from the movie of the same name.  This adventure was one of about eight, another one being watching the Tour de France.  On top of the Pyrenees Mountains watching the race I knew it was time to start planning the next Bucket List item, crossing the US by bike. In January of 2013 registration was completed to undertake the feat with the group starting in June 2013.  Cathy wanted to participate but needed an additional year to get in shape for the ride so it was delayed a year.  Starting in December of 2013 training began and registration was completed to join the BIG RIDE in 2014.  In January 2014 we both started to attend spinning classes which was a twice weekly and sometimes daily routine.  Often the classes were followed with a circuit of weight training and sauna.  Diet became an important training component beginning in March of 2014.  Research was conducted on the optimal combination of carbs, proteins and fats.  Food consumption changed from eat for taste to eat for fuel. Significant weight loss occurred with the goal of 168 lbs. achieved in May 2014.

Two other major areas of concentration were fund raising and gear preparation. The BIG RIDE is a fund raiser ride dedicated to the support of the American Lung Association.  The idea of combining the bucket list item with a health awareness campaign was a good match.  Additionally the crossing  was a route that looked favorable and time frame that worked with the work schedule requirements of teaching.  Minimal fund raising was set at $ 7,000 with a $500 registration fee.  A goal was set at $10,000, always liking even numbers that are easy to remember.  The outpouring of support has been nothing less than incredible.  Support goes beyond monetary funds to include spiritual, prayers, life stories filled with joy and sadness and short smiles of approval and amazement.  The research that documents the effect of air quality and pollution has taken on a bigger meaning and now rivals that of a bucket list item in its importance.

The gear and logistics preparation are important , however not the time consuming task that training and fund raising demands.  Most nights will be camping with a good , waterproof tent essential.  Gear bags that are also waterproof and sleeping bags, pads and other camping equipment were collected or purchased.  Most essential gear item is of course, the bicycle.  The Surly Long Haul (Paul)  Trucker was purchased in 2008 and a good choice.  Cathy’s bike is a new Pedego E-bike, bright orange and a real beauty.  Extra batteries for the long ride days with rear panniers and extra storage capacity.  The stage is set.

 The BIG RIDE route:

Day        Destination                         Arrival                   Depart                  Mile

0              Seattle WA                         12-June                16-June               

Left Pittsburgh and arrived in Seattle on Thursday June 12 via Houston on Southwest airlines.  Put a big V across the US, with an eight hour trip.  Many hurdles today, packing the bikes, going to the airport and checking the bikes as cargo.  Southwest was very nice, with the bikes no problem at $75 each.  Upon arrival, the TSA opened the boxes but for top inspection only.  In Seattle a limo ( Chevy suburban)  took us to the hotel  with both bikes and all the luggage.  The hotel is a real luxury compared to camping, a late dinner at a Pancake house and called it a day.
Two bikes and four gear bags


Fri June 13

Assembled the bikes after a few cups of coffee and breakfast in the hotel.  All went smooth, a short checkout ride to Marymoor park and saw a few sites.  Busy town Seattle, but the bike trails surrounding the area are amazing.  Most paved and well used. Met the Director, Charlton and his son Will also met a BIG RIDER, Terry Sigle.  Walked to Fred Meyer for supplies,  a 12 pack of Heineken and some snacks.

Sat June 14

Check out ride to Seattle for the rear wheel dip.  Chilly and damp,  but a wonderful ride,   65 miles round trip and a look at the Seattle city profile including the Space Needle and saltwater of the bay.  A lap on the Velodrome and I'm ready to go .Upon return, Whole foods for a snack and Promograte Bisto for dinner.  Bikes are ready.
Marymoore Velodrome

Sun June 15, 2014

Walked to a local church, Redmond Redeemer and attended service.  Everywhere we go, people are amazed at the trip and all wish good luck and support.  Pre ride meeting from 1 PM to 4PM to cover logistics, safety, meet the fellow riders and to share stories of support and encouragement. Almost received the oldest rider award but one other ride, Rob Wilson , beat me by 6 months. Several alumni are present to answer questions and give support.  All are very excited to get started.  Couldn’t sleep at all with anxiety for the start, training doubts , and overage on the baggage weight limits.  The logistics alone for this trip are difficult to imagine.  It is so nice to have Charlton and Lynn as Director and Assistant Director to plan the route, meals overnight stays and support.




1              Easton WA                          16-June                17-June                91

First day,  If you think I’m an English major and can do daily Blog entries, Forget About It.  What a rude start..Cold rain, rain cold, did I say that ?  52 degrees, busy roads and then…   a really plesant climb to Squaolamine falls.  Mist and cold.  Then..6 lanes of I 90  trucks with every imaginable discharge on the birm.  A test of cycling ability, endurance and spirit.  Finally a downhill into Easton State park for a relaxing night of Jake brakes and train traffic, not what the mind imagined.    A great dinner by the alumni that was fantastic…went to bed at 7:15 exhausted, wearing every bit of warm clothing. 

Charlton DuRant, Ride Director "Keeping the group together is like herding cats with their tails on fire"

Front: Karolina, Cathy, Beka, Jennifer, Lisa, Lynn, Anita
Back: Charlton, Paul, Charles, Jeffery, Terry, Gene(hiding), Kenny, Kevin, Rob

I 90 outside Seattle 52 degrees and pouring


Will DuRant

Charles and Lisa


Snoqualmie Falls


2              Vantage WA                       17-June                18-June                72

White board of low of 42 and high of 52 and rain.. so much for the weather man.  After a cold start at 7 am, up at 5 am.  Tail winds most of the way.The ride was fantastic….Absolutly… the longest downhill of the trip 11.5 miles down from a windmill power station.  Into Vantage where the locals say the river is down 39 ft due to a crack in the dam,  no people but we had a beer overlooking the gorge and enjoyed the view. 



Cascade Mountains


Climbing the Cascades

3              Odessa WA                         18-June                19-June                83

Started by crossing the Columbia River as a group on I 90 and starting the 1.8 mile climb out of the river valley.  Continue through rolling hills and some slight headwinds.  Not many places to use the bathroom so Cathy stopped and was interrupted by two foxes that came out of nowhere to about 10 ft away.  We were on the bike quickly as they trotted up the hill and into the sage brush.  Weather is most enjoyable for cycling with blue skies, puffy clouds and slight cool breezes.  Another nice downhill and into a small Washington town, Odessa.  Camped in the high school playground.  Dinner prepared by the FBLA students.  What a marvelous group of volenteers that go the extra mile to  be nice and help us on our trip.  Their generosity is overwhelming. 

Gene - Super Mechanic and EMT with Blue Thunder

Jennifer and Kevin

Columbia River

4              Spokane WA                      19-June                21-June                77

                Deserted roads that almost look like Arizona.  Super riding with miles of miles of winter wheat, plant it in the fall and the winter snow melts and it grows in the spring.  Several  gradual climbs with the longest of 9 miles.  Mostly , fast riding with few stops. The group is well prepared with good equipment and adequate training. Some are fast with average speeds of 17 MPH for the day, while others are using the first days as prep for the long haul.  We are doing very well with no health issues and minor bike adjustments.  The route was four lane and busy going into Spokane , a major metro area.  Arrived safe and checked into the dorms for our first BIG RIDE BED NIGHT.   Let the eating begin, wow , walk to the Bar and 3 Summer Shandy’s ,a beef and cheddar, fries ,  What a better appetizer?  Walk with the gang to the dining hall and had salad, chicken dinner, apple and cupcake.  Stayed up till 10 pm and slept the whole night through, first time in 5 years.


5*           Spokane WA

Rest Day.  Good day to relax and recharge.  Early Starbucks trip to the store, Laundry , bike clean and adjust then a trip to Wolfee’s for a Cheeseburger, Fries , Vanilla Shake.  50’s dinner with all the memories, most enjoyable.  Walk around Gonzaga University and drinking water in 20 oz cups to rehydrate.  Dinner at Brew Pub with the group.

See Cathy's blog at:



1 comment:

  1. WOW! Sounds like a great ride! I really liked the details on the food.
